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"But Jesus called them to him, saying, 'Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.'
~Luke 18:16

Father Aloysius Royan Anthony
Pastor/Parish Administrator
​Phone: 715-453-2878

Ms. June Borchardt
Preschool Teacher

Mrs. Karen Arnott
Kindergarten Teacher

Mrs. Abby Hrdina
First Grade Teacher

Ms. Judith Roche
2/3 Multi-Age Teacher
Mr. Adam Gessler
4/5 Multi-Age Teacher

Mrs. Megan Nelson
Physical Education Teacher

Mrs. Mary Ramsey
Music Teacher

Mrs. Chris Theiler
Art Teacher

Mrs. Chelsey McMahon
4-year-old Kindergarten Teacher

Mrs. Jennifer Quesinberry
Teacher Aide
Mrs. Elizabeth Voermans
Teacher Aide

Ms. Cathy Sparbel
Food Service Manager

Miss Kristen Beilke
Office Assistant

Mrs. Jean Eggett
Mrs. Beth Hock
Technology & Librarian Teacher
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