"But Jesus called them to him, saying, 'Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.'
~Luke 18:16
Welcome to
St. Mary's School

A message from the Principal...
Having been a part of St. Mary's School since the age of six, I have witnessed firsthand the profound impact this wonderful, little school has had on my life and the lives of my four children. The school embodies a nurturing community that fosters academic excellence, faith building and personal growth. The values instilled within its walls resonate deeply with those who have walked through the halls, creating a lasting legacy that transcends generations. As I step into the role of principal, I find that this connection is not merely professional; it is profoundly personal.
St. Mary's School is characterized by its exceptional families, dedicated students, and an incredible staff committed to cultivating a positive faith-filled learning environment. This collaborative spirit enhances educational experiences and promotes strong moral foundations among students. It is with great pride that I invite prospective families to visit our school and take a tour, as I am confident they will discover the unique community that has shaped my life and continues to inspire future generations.
Please call the school at 715-453-3542 and set up a time to come and visit. We'd love to show you what we are all about.
Juanita Skubal